Jiseong Chae

Biography & Awards

Theoretical Physicist


B.S. in Architectural Engineering and Physics(minor), Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea

M.S. in Physics, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea




About me

 I graduated with a master's degree in Physics at Hanyang University.

Currently, I’m interested in holographic duality and string theory as a novel method of approaching and connecting a range of diverse subjects in high energy physics theory such as,

I previously worked on the data analysis of buildings and urban areas using machine learning or statistical analysis in geographic information system (GIS) when I was an engineering student. 

I am also interested in complex systems (real-world problems), which can be a part of interdisciplinary areas with high-energy physics. The strength of high-energy physics may shed light on various important fields such as computer science, economics, neuroscience, and fluid dynamics. 

"Unraveling the mysteries of holographic duality to connect the fabric of spacetime with quantum mechanics and beyond."
"Investigating the fundamental threads of existence through the lens of string theory and holographic principles."
"Bridging the realms of high-energy physics and complex systems to illuminate interdisciplinary challenges and solutions."
Studying physics at Hanyang (M.S.)


J.S, Chae, J.H, Lee, W, Shin & J.H, Oh.

Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics of Holographic c-theorem. (in preparation)


J.S, Chae & H, Jang

Stochastic Duality of dS/CFT holography. (in preparation)

When I was an undergraduate engineering student..

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