Jiseong Chae
Biography & Awards
Theoretical Physicist
B.S. in Architectural Engineering and Physics(minor), Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
M.S. in Physics, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea
About me
I graduated with a master's degree in Physics at Hanyang University.
Currently, I’m interested in holographic duality and string theory as a novel method of approaching and connecting a range of diverse subjects in high energy physics theory such as,
Holographic RG flow in (A)dS/CFT (c-theorem, Multi-trace operators)
Holographic Information Theory (Entanglement
entropy, Bulk reconstruction, Black Hole and worm Hole Physics)Holographic Principle in Non-equilibrium Systems (Stochastic Quantization)
String theory (Swampland, Amplitude), Structure of CFT(bootstrap, RCFT)
Asymptotic Symmetry, Generalized Symmetry
I previously worked on the data analysis of buildings and urban areas using machine learning or statistical analysis in geographic information system (GIS) when I was an engineering student.
I am also interested in complex systems (real-world problems), which can be a part of interdisciplinary areas with high-energy physics. The strength of high-energy physics may shed light on various important fields such as computer science, economics, neuroscience, and fluid dynamics.

Studying physics at Hanyang (M.S.)
J.S, Chae, J.H, Lee, W, Shin & J.H, Oh.
Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics of Holographic c-theorem. (in preparation)
J.S, Chae & H, Jang
Stochastic Duality of dS/CFT holography. (in preparation)
J.S, Chae & J.H, Oh.
G, Kim, J.S, Chae, W, Shin & J.H, Oh
C,Park, G, Kim, J.S, Chae, et al
When I was an undergraduate engineering student..
J.S, Chae, C.H, Choi, J.H Oh, Y.T, Chae , J.W, Jeong, D, Lee
2022.03~2024.02 Teaching Assistant in General Physics 1&2 in Hanyang University